
Improve Software

There are always clients that are not sure what they really want, or don't have a better understanding on what the architect is trying to offer to the client. Therefore, the use of new software's can help a lot to the company to coordinate and explain better to clients on what the company can do for the client and what is going to be the result of the project. It can be useful for the company to have work done faster and accurate for clients and also to satisfy the client on what they were looking for.


To show what the company offers besides having a company website, posters or ads on the newspapers, there can also be the use of social media. For example, the use of Facebook or twitter, where people are able to post comments about their experience with Netta Architects and recommend it to others. It will help the company to get more customers and expand their popularity.

Standard of Service

Like most companies, customer service is one of the important objectives and implementations that will help them reach out to their customer base and also to retain business. Having a good customer focus will allow the company to understand what the client really expects from the company. At Netta Architects, standard of service is well developed and implemented, but there is always room for improvement. I think that one of the most important things would be having to listen more to customers and ask what else the company can do to provide them with the best service. It will prevent problems or complaints and it will remain at a high standard.

In conclusion, having to improve software to get the work done faster and accurate, advertise the company by using not only website but also social media, and having to improve the standard of service, will make the company get more clients than what they have now. These are some of the strategies that can work well for Netta Architects to make the company become a better company on what it is now. 

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